Friday, March 1, 2013

Work Day One

Lazying around and chatting with friends is done (for a while); it's time to get to work.  Finishing a room in the new guest house is a multi-step process.  After the block walls are laid and the concrete floor is poured, wood studs run from the top of the wall to the sloped roof line.  Cross members are set; plywood is attached and a metal roof is installed.  The exposed studs on the sides is covered with plywood, and a masonite-like material is used to cover the ceiling.  Our task is to cover the sides and ceiling of one (or more) rooms.

By the end of work today we had the sides of one room covered.  On  to the ceiling tomorrow.

I've posted 3 photos in a FaceBook album (Haiti_13March).  If you can't view them, feel free to friend me on FaceBook.

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