Monday, March 19, 2012

Work on the Island

It's been a great day!

Our nurse has connected with a surgeon who comes frequently. Today was especially rewarding. There is a young boy who has a very large tumor on the right side of his face; it continues to grow. The doctor was concerned about the operating procedure, but was advised and encouraged by a colleague in the states to do the operation. This afternoon they did the operation. Although there were some tense moments, the operation was completed; and the boy is recovering.

The rest of us began working on the new guest house. Screens and safety bars need to be installed in the vents of the rooms, and a moisture barrier needs to be installed on the vertical portions of the center section. About 10:00 I joined one of the missionaries for a trip up the mountain to Fontina. Since we would be traveling on 4-wheelers, I was given an oral driver's exam by the missionary; it went like this: HIM: Have you ever driven an ATV? ME: no; HIM: Have you ever ridden a motor cycle? ME: no; HIM: Have you ever driven a car? ME: yes; HIM: That's good enough; let's go. We spent an hour on two ATV traveling about 2 miles. I had the opportunity to walk around the property where a pole barn church was erected by a Penn-Jersey team in the summer of 2010. There is also a Compassion school on the property. The trip down the mountain took only 45 minutes. Several places along the route provided beautiful views of the town and the water.

The afternoon was spent on the guest house. Mid-afternoon Greg, the station manager, and I visited the home of the hospital administrator. This house has a deteriorating tin roof, and needs repair or replacement. Later in the afternoon several of us went to the "hardware" store to buy the needed 1x4s and tin and take them to the house. Tomorrow we plan to start the roof replacement.

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